Section: New Results

Software Product Lines

In terms of Software Product Lines  [92] , we work in four different directions. First, we define a SPL framework for Cloud Computing called SALOON [62] to face challenges in terms of application configuration, cloud platform configuration [59] and deployment automation [58] . Second, we use Dynamic Software Product Lines (DSLP) for mobile applications [21] , in order to support self-adaptation of context-aware applications in ubiquitous environments [56] and Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)  [36] . In both cases, Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) techniques are used in order to find a suitable configuration for the current environment state and to deal with contradictory dimensions (e.g., accuracy and energy saving) in the decision making process. Third, in the YourCast project [76] , we work in a Composite SPL for Broadcasting System by identifying the main issues that we need to deal with when defining such kind of SPL. Finally, we define an operator to compute syntactic and semantic differences between feature models [24] .